10 Things I Love About You

I tweeted the other day “Finish this sentence 100 times. I love… Feels good eh?” I’ve been talking recently about getting your energy right first before you do anything – well this is one GREAT way to raise your energy. Focus on what you love. Love energy is so strong, it can work miracles – people have achieved extraordinary feats for those they love.

And it feels GOOD! So I decided to take my own advice and focus on what I love about my business.
1. I love my clients – they are fabulous, fun, open, intelligent, curious, ambitious, and they are all about enjoying their life!
2. I love talking to these clients – I enjoy all my coaching calls SO MUCH!
3. I love the way I get to share all the insights I’ve gained and help others.
4. I love that I get paid to do something I love!
5. I love hearing what people are passionate about, what they love, what their purpose is in life
6. I love coaching – it’s such a fabulous thing to help someone get where they want to be in life
7. I love the uniqueness of it – every conversation is different
8. I love the energy generated by coaching – you can really feel something being created through the coaching process
9. I love celebrating the successes of my clients
10. I love seeing people become more confident, gain their power, LIVE their life

I’ll stop there, i don’t want to bore you! But I hope you could feel the energy change as I concentrated on what I love about… And I hope that you start focusing on what you love about…everything in your life!





