Abandon Your Inhibitions

Last night I went to see my favourite band in the world, Muse. They are INCREDIBLE live – simply awesome! Anyway, these days I usually stand to the back of the crowd, in plenty of space to dance – I’m less bothered about seeing (although last night I was stood near the cameras so I could see on their screens which was good!) than in losing myself in the music.

Something seems to take over me when I’m at a gig – I become infused by the spirit of Tigger, Zebedee, and if it’s rocky, some headbanging nutter! At one point I noticed that I really was dancing like no one was watching – I had absolutely no shame at all. Once upon a time I would have held back a little, been a bit self-conscious, but last night it wasn’t even as if no one was watching. I just didn’t care!

This is SO freeing, it is so empowering, and it made a night that was already going to be fantastic EVEN BETTER. We get inhibited when we’re small, when we’re told that it’s naughty, or wrong, or something to be embarrassed about when we are uninhibited, but now we’re older we can start to drop some of those chains and dance free, sing free and live free.

You don’t have to be a cross between a headbanger and Tigger/Zebedee, but you can just drop one chain at a time, and start to laugh freely, speak more freely and enjoy your life more freely.




