An Easy Decision Making Tool: Toss A Coin - Donna Higton - life coach and author
How do you make a decision? Do you weigh up the options carefully, plumping for the safest, cheapest, easiest, most sensible? Do you worry endlessly about consequences and never make a decision at all? Or do you jump in and make a decision and worry about the consequences later? For many years I have tried (and failed!) to do the first of these - and do the 'right' thing. The problem is, the 'right' thing is often the 'wrong' thing for me. The sensible decision is usually the one decision which will stifle my spirit, bore me to tears or keep me in a situation I hate. And I like flying by the seat of my pants - it's far easier than all this pros and cons bull. I now toss a coin to help me decide. For someone who has been known to be indecisive on occasion it is marvellous…and rarely wrong. The simplicity of a coin toss appeals to me because it is quick, easy and relatively uncomplicated - no evidence gathering, no researching, no discussing, just a flip and there you have it - a decision! And I don't just mean for small decisions, like pizza or pasta? I have decided whether to buy a house, go to Australia for a year, leave my job to start my own business, and buy a car…all on the toss of a coin. I can see some of you twitching at the very idea of this - not exactly scientific, responsible or sensible, right? Correct! I'll tell you what it does do though, it focuses you very quickly on what YOU want. Imagine you wanted to decide whether to look for a new job, you toss a coin and it comes up tails…stay at your current job. Your stomach sinks, you stare at the coin and think…best of 3! Then best of 5, best of 7, best of 9, best of 73. You see, I'm not suggesting you take the advice of the coin! Merely flipping the coin will give you an indication of what it is you want - in the above example, you want to leave the job. Deep down, the decision is already made but your conscious mind is getting in the way with the endless pro's and con's of making a decision. By tossing a coin, you can find out very quickly what it is you really want. Many years ago I was trying to decide whether to buy a house. Every signpost pointed to yes - it was the done thing, the sensible thing, an investment blah blah blah. Even the coin toss agreed, I should go for it. But I carried on flipping that coin for 10 minutes, wanting tails to come up. Suddenly I realised there was one overwhelmingly good reason for me not to buy a house. I didn't want to. If I had, I would have tripled my money by now. I don't regret it for a second. The coin was wrong, but it did tell me what I really wanted. What does the toss of a coin tell you? - Something to Play With - Take a decision you have been struggling with, and toss a coin…what does the coin toss tell you? (note how you feel, not if it's heads or tails!) For the next week, try this method of decision making - get in touch with your intuitive leanings and quit wasting time endlessly weighing up the pros and cons! Want to share your thoughts on this article? Leave a comment here or pop over to my facebook page and leave a comment there.