Ask Donna: From Goals to Dreams

Q: I’ve had ‘goals’ for years, but listening to you talk about ‘what’s my big dream’, I’ve realised that my goals are not my big dream. What happened? And how do I change these goals to find my big dream? I’ve been working on some of these goals for YEARS, now I’m feeling like I’ve wasted all that time working towards something I don’t even want! Help! Jessica

It’s quite common to find that the goals we’ve been working towards are not our ‘big dreams’ because we don’t really stop and feel into our hearts and souls to find out what we really want in life. The good news is that no experience is ever wasted – it all comes together to make you who you are, and you may find that a lot of the skills you’ve learnt will be useful when you are working towards your big dream.

Set a timer for 10 minutes and answer the question ‘what is my big dream?’

