Attack of the Should-Bee’s

Have you been attacked by the should be’s lately? You know, when you drive yourself nuts with “I should be” doing this, that or t’other. “I should be” better, faster, fitter, brighter, taller, thinner, richer, more this or less that. Ugh. What if you should be exactly where you are – not doing whatever it is you should do, not being whatever you should be. What if you could just let yourself off the hook a little here?

Whenever I hear someone saying “I should”, it is like an alarm bell in my mind – because it almost always points to something that you don’t want to do, that you are beating yourself up about not doing. For example, I should really expand on this and write more…but I think you get my point! So I don’t need to. Lol. Figure out what’s stopping you doing those ‘should’s, and then either decide to drop them, postpone them, make them more fun and at least quit feeling guilty for not doing them!





