Daily Practice Wrap Up: Setting Yourself Up For Success - Donna Higton - life coach and author
Did you join me in Setting Yourself Up For Success this month? Have you taken some time to think about what you want this year? Did you pause to consider what you want to add or drop from your life? Did you start taking action towards what you want? Have you considered how well you take care of you, energise you and enjoy your life and how to improve that this year? Thanks to the Goddess Workbooks by Leonie Dawson, I've had more fun than ever setting myself up for success this year. Coloured pens, posters, dreamboards and fun have abounded...along with deep, lovely questions to help me invoke my vision of what's next. It's brilliant! (and slightly terrifying...but the sparkly gel pens helped make it less so - how scary can something really be if it's written in glittery purple?!) You may have seen some of the blog posts I've done which were inspired by the Goddess Workbooks - Lighten Up - an article about my top life rule; A video on What to do when things suck (which has already made a big difference just having the list to hand, you don't want to have to think about it when things are sucking!); an article What Rules Do You Live By? - life's so much better when I'm living to my rules! Even if you don't use posters and dreamboards and sparkly pens to get the clarity you need, there is power in planning your year. Since I set one of my goals - to do 12 guest posts this year, I have had 3 opportunities already to do so. I'm expecting this goal to be completed and in the Celebration phase by April! I should mention that this has been a goal of mine for years - to do more guest posting, but I'd never written it down or been particularly specific...when you write things down and commit to them, you'll find that the universe seems to move into place to help you. Is it too late to begin setting yourself up for success? No, the Chinese New Year hasn't even started yet, you could work to that!!! :-D Even if you're reading this in December, it's never too late to start planning your life, and setting yourself up for success! NOW is always a good time to start having a fabulous life! In fact, I haven't 'finished' myself - one of the things Leonie suggests is an 'Action book', which I kind of have...but not quite...and I wanted to get the 'right' book for me. And no, that's not a procrastination excuse! Honest. The book was bought today - and isn't it perfect?!? So I have some fun work to do creating all my actions. And I will be coming back to the workbooks, updating, adding, and reminding myself what I planned to do when life gets in the way a bit and I forget. Planning is just the beginning, you also need to be getting the best from yourself - taking care of yourself, energising you and enjoying life on the way to your goals. And you need to take action and make time for your goals...make them important. Because that's the key - once you have done the planning, decided on the life rules and habits and daily practices and actions you want to take, you now need to maintain the momentum and KEEP THEM UP! Many of us are brilliant at dreaming...but then we want to turn our dreams into reality! :-D Setting Yourself Up For Success is only part 1 - parts 2 to 999 are taking the actions, keeping in touch with your goals so you know how you're doing and if any course-corrections need to be made, keeping the life rules/habits/practices that work and ditching those that don't, and adding new rules/habits/practices to keep your life moving towards "Brilliant!" Now you've set yourself up for success this year, keep moving towards success (and if you need help with that check out the coaching options on this site!) Love Donna.x PS I'd love to hear how you've set yourself up for success this year - please leave me a comment below! PPS I'll be sharing a "Set Yourself Up For Success" worksheet with all the questions/quotes and thoughts I shared on Facebook and Twitter this month - make sure you're signed up to get it!