Every Moment is a Choice - Donna Higton - life coach and author
How many choice points do you think you have in your life? Do you only see the "big" choice points - this job or that job, this relationship or a single life, buy a house or go to Australia. What would you think if I told you that this moment is a choice point? And this one? And this one? And this moment right here? What choices can you make in this moment? Here's a couple of ideas: Do I do the most self-loving thing for myself now or not? Do I look for the silver lining or not? Do I do my best in this moment or do I just give in to apathy? Do I choose to LIVE my life or do I wait for life to start? Do I choose to raise my energy in this moment and do what I can to feel good or not? Do I choose to smile or frown in this moment? So what choices are you making? In every moment, you have the choice to change or not. There is no right or wrong in this by the way - no judgement, no blame. Just choice. So if you were to choose to do the most self-loving thing you could for yourself in this moment, what would happen? I understand that you may be at work and unable to have a long hot bath, but given the constraints you have, what would be the most self-loving thing to do? How about if you chose to see the silver lining? What might change? Chose to do your best in this moment? Chose to LIVE? Chose to raise your energy? Chose to smile? (maybe even BEAM, chuckle, laugh, guffaw?!) You may choose to do the opposite of all of these - to see the worst, to do your worst, to exist apathetically, to lower your energy (we're very good at that), to frown...but that's your choice! So if that's what you've chosen, I hope you're enjoying it. (Once you get to a certain level of positivity, having a bad day can be fun too!) What are you choosing in this moment? Let me know - leave a comment. Love Donna.x