February Daily Practice: Lighten Up - Donna Higton - life coach and author
So, I was sat at my desk a few days ago, pondering, mulling, thinking, considering, ruminating, and racking my brains for 'the right' Daily Practice for February. These daily practices are super important you know, empires are built on them, lives depend on them...and I couldn't think of a thing. I have a list of about 40 potential Daily Practices...but none of them were hitting the spot, none of them lit the lightbulb as it were. So after 10 minutes of frustrating brain wringing, I decided to get up and have a dance and see if that would loosen some brain cells. And it came to me! Firstly, no empires are built on these Daily Practices, no lives depend on them...LIGHTEN UP! Secondly, the "Lighten Up" article I wrote last week hit the spot with a few of you, and this would be a fun practice. TA-DAH! I love that dancing around my office to Gabrielle and 30 Seconds to Mars (playlist on shuffle throws up some VERY interesting combinations!) can help me to solve a problem, come up with an idea, and exercise my play muscles too. I am so excited about this practice this month - not only will it allow me to revisit some of my favourite fun previous practices (that I have been dying to repeat ever since, and have restrained myself...I make no promises for the rest of the year though!), but also come up with some other ridiculous, silly, light and fun stuff to do. HAZAH! I will also help me to adhere to my top life rule, which is of course, Lighten up! And then it occurred to me that it's a perfect practice in other ways too - spring is coming in my neck of the woods (just go with me here, I hate winter, I want it to be spring NOW!), and our days are 'lightening up' too - the heaviness of winter is beginning to go. I even spotted a snowdrop peeking out of the ground today! My apologies to those of you in climes where winter lasts until May - you have my deep admiration and respect, and SPRING IS COMING! So, who's with me? Who is going to Lighten Up this February? Leave me a comment to tell me you're with me (or not - I'd love to know why you wouldn't join this practice!), and let me know your favourite ways to lighten up. Love and Light Donna.x PS just in case you were wondering - the photo is of the slippers I was dancing in today! :-D You cannot be serious when dancing in purple fuzzy slippers.