Financial Integrity

Well, my office revamp is still not finished – I am still searching through boxes in the garage every five minutes for things I need (that I genuinely thought I wouldn’t need for weeks…). However, one more weekend should see it done. All the materials are in place, all I need is a couple of handy, strong people (I am not very practical and I have spaghetti arms!) and we’ll be rocking and rolling. I can’t wait! This should mean that I have a lovely space from which to coach new and fabulous clients. I have 2 one to one spaces available starting in August. So, if you have been thinking about getting some one to one help to get you living the life you were born to live, get in touch now.

This week’s article is an excerpt from my ebook – “110 Steps to Heal your Money” – to buy it, Click Here – it is available in various formats for your e-readers, palm pilots or computers.

– Financial Integrity –

How is your financial integrity? Do you owe money? Do you cheat? Steal? Perhaps not in a ‘Great Train Robbery’ way, but financial integrity runs through your whole life, so even pinching a bic biro from work counts here. I am not the police, and I don’t care if you steal the entire stationary cupboard, or I wouldn’t, except that I know that being out of integrity hurts your financial health.

When you are out of integrity in any area of your life, there is worry, stress, fear, shame – and if that is being suppressed, you are putting a huge amount of energy into not feeling bad. Often, you don’t even realise the amount of bad feeling your energy is going into until you start getting back into integrity. Coaching clients often deny any bad feeling to do with past money stuff that is out of integrity but when they do this exercise, they invariably find something that has been mithering them, and when they take action, they feel 100 times better.

It really is true that the person transgressing suffers most. The good news is that once you take just one step in the direction of renewed integrity, all that bad feeling starts to be released and the energy which had gone into ignoring, suppressing and denying the bad feeling is freed.

Here are a few real life examples from myself and people I have worked with:
– not repaying a loan from your parents
– stealing pens from a shop when you were 15
– keeping quiet about an overpay or undercharge
– not paying a friend back for a gig ticket she paid for (even though she forgot about it)
– deferring payment of your student loan
– always being behind on the rent
– paying an employee too low a wage
– my-round-o-phobia (not standing your round in the pub)
– taking money from a boyfriend, even though he didn’t notice and could spare it
– a loan from a friend that was never repaid (and never asked for)

You’ll notice that in many of these examples, the other party didn’t notice or care…but it still felt out of integrity. My friend forgot about the gig ticket and never asked me for the money…but I remembered it regularly, and when I did this exercise it came up again…2 years later. A good rule of thumb for items that “might” be out of integrity is: if you still remember it, it’s still bothering you; therefore it is out of integrity for you.

– Something to Play With –

List anything that feels out of integrity for you. And start to put them right. If you can’t put it right immediately, find a way to get back in integrity – for example one of my clients gave a donation to a charity rather than repaying the company they felt out of integrity with. Want to share your thoughts on this article? Leave a comment here.





