Follow the Energy - Donna Higton - life coach and author
I was on a group call last night with the fabulous Joel Young about NPA - a lovely method for freeing and allowing energy. Joel was talking about following the animation - the things that have energy. You know how your energy changes and goes down when you are, say, moaning about the weather? And how it changes and goes up when you are talking about something you love to do - like holidays, gigs, nights out with friends etc. Well that positive animation is what we're talking about. Joel likened it to surfing a wave - following that energy. When we are trying to 'make' ourselves do something...we are trying to surf on a millpond! That's why sometimes it is so difficult to get something done...and on another day, you will fly through the same task. So where is the animation for you today? Where is the energy? What are you interested in and engaged by? Not what you 'should' be doing, but where the energy is building with a wave ready for you to surf. If this is something you are not used to doing, it might sound a little hard...but it just takes a bit of practice. So start to notice - where is the animation? Where is the interest? What has a a wave of energy? Go do that - follow the energy and see where it takes you. I have found that following the energy makes life 1000 times easier. When I am trying to make the energy flow, life is harder, stuff takes longer, I am constantly getting stuck and it feels bad. Take writing a blog post for example, if I try to write when there is no energy to write, I could sit at the laptop for a week without writing anything useful! But today, now, the energy is flowing...and this has taken 10 minutes so far. What a difference! Now there are times when you've just got to do it, and at those times, you can build the energy - for example, to get my accounts done, I put on some loud music and raise my energy so I can 'get it done'. But it's becoming rare that I will try to force myself to go where the energy is not these days. And when I do, I remember it is a very inefficient way of living! Tap into that energy of life that is all around you and just watch your life get easier as you ride that wave. Love Donna.x PS If you have any questions about this concept, leave me a comment below.