Getting Your Big Dream Moving

Many people have big dreams that never move from their dreams into reality…and this is such a shame, because big dreams are planted to be grown. I believe that big dreams come from the Divine, and they choose you as much as you choose them. Don’t let this idea put stress on you – let it encourage and excite you!

Because your dream chose you, that means your dream believes in you. Because it’s come from the Divine, the Divine is going to help you bring your dream into reality. And it is important to realise that it is not just about ‘making the dream reality’, it is also about the growth and the change and the learning and the challenges (challenges are good, I’ll talk about that in a future issue!) and the confidence and the stretching you will get from taking action to make your dreams reality.

Many people don’t start because of their expectations for their big dream – what if I fail? Well I have news for you. If you never take any action, you will DEFINITELY fail! Your big dream will never become reality if you don’t try. But if you do try you MIGHT succeed! And you will definitely grow in skills, in confidence, in brilliance, in potential. Seriously, the more you follow your big dreams, the bigger they get! So far, I haven’t found any limit to the potential that can be explored in me. It’s phenomenal. I am doing things now I never thought I would or could do – public speaking, writing, podcasting, videos, even the coaching and marketing aspects of my business have gone up a level every 4 months or so in the last 8 years!

So how do you get moving? EASY. You take a baby step. Then another. Then one more. Then another baby step. Then you might get stuck for a bit or hit an obstacle (I’ll talk more about obstacles in a future issue too!)…but once you get past that, you’ll take another baby step. And another. And another. Sandy Grason taught me the following question to ask: What’s next?

Simple huh? This made a HUGE difference to my ability to progress on my big dreams, because every time I got stuck, I just said to myself ‘what’s next?’ and did that thing. And before I knew it, my next step was taken and momentum gathered again and my big dreams moved forward. The key is to make is EASY. So no saying ‘my next baby step is to move the house 3 inches to the right/create a website/save up £12000/start a business/write the book’ – them are NOT baby steps y’all!

A baby step is something small you can relatively easily do. So a baby step for a ‘big dream’ of writing a book might be to spend 10 minutes brain- storming ideas for said book, or writing down the basic plot, or picking your lead character’s name, or booking a time to write, or writing 50 words. You want to make it so easy that it’s almost impossible not to do it. When you make your baby steps really easy, many obstacles just melt away – like any fears you have of completing a big step…well, if you just take a baby step and another and another, all of a sudden, you’ve taken the big step without even noticing!

Baby steps don’t take you as far out of your comfort zone, so they are easier to just do and keep doing. And as you keep moving forward, you gain confidence and momentum to keep moving further and further into making your dream into reality. Each baby step you take makes you feel good about yourself and your big dream…and not only is it good to feel good, it’s rocket fuel for your dream. So learn a new dance – the baby step! And keep dancing that dance until you reach your dream. If you just keep baby stepping, it is inevitable.

Your Homework
What is the next step for you to take towards your big dream? If you know exactly what your next baby step is, do it. If you’re not sure, your next baby step is to find out what your next step is. You could try writing the question on a piece of paper and just answering the question for 10 minutes (by then you should get past the ‘I don’t know’s). You could try creating a mind map and brainstorming ideas for next steps. You could ask the Divine for help. You could get a coach and get some help! (see this month’s Special Offer) Trust that you know exactly what to do next – I believe in you!

And I would love to hear what you’re doing to baby step in the direction of your big dream – leave a comment below, or come over to the facebook page and leave a comment there.

This article was taken from February’s Dreams to Reality newsletter – to sign up, click here.