Gotta do More, Gotta Be More - Donna Higton - life coach and author
Remember this poem from 'Dead Poet's Society'? “Laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling, Gotta do more, gotta be more. Chaos screaming, chaos dreaming, Gotta be more, gotta do more.” I was listening to something today that made me realise how much I have been trying to push myself to 'more' - more work, more hours, more focus, more concentration, more boundaries, getting more done, more, more, more. Sheesh. The irony is that when I am pushed, I push back! It never helps me to move forward when I am being pushed...I just go mule-like and stubborn. A waste of time and energy, and I forget that I am actually utterly fabulous just as I am, just with what I have done. Where are you saying to yourself 'gotta do more, gotta be more'? Is it helping you to grow, expand and enjoy your life? Or is it actually shutting you down? What if you could say instead 'I don't have to do anything, and I already am everything I need to be'? What if you could give yourself permission to be enough right here right now? This doesn't mean you will stop and not do anything...but you will be able to relax and enjoy your life more in this moment. Ease the pressure on yourself just a bit, and trust that you are enough just as you are. Love Donna.x