Guest Post: Falling In Love With Life by Bindiya Aravandekar

To celebrate the release of my new book, Fall In Love With Life, I have invited a few friends to share their experiences and tips for falling in love with life. Today, I welcome Bindiya Aravandekar of Here’s Bindiya’s story:

Failing health. Crumbling finances. Relationship struggles. Bruised ego. Embarrassed and zero self confidence. This is where I was last year, trying my best to make sense of it all, to make sense of my life and the way I was living it. I always had problems. I always had issues. But last year was different because never before in my life did I have all the problems at once. Difficult! I used to wake up dreading the day, not that falling asleep was easy for me. Where was I headed? What was I doing? Of course, it was the perfect time for – regrets about my past, comparisons with others way ahead in life, complaints about missed opportunities, crying over the little time for growing my business, feeling touchy over the most innocent remarks of a friend, getting jealous of the success of my peers and knowing fully well that only my life is dreadful.

Then in the midst of all the constant crying and bickering something changed. I fell in love with life! My Life! As it was in reality. The way I looked at it from my perspective. However it was, my life was mine – a gift to be treasured.
Bindiya Aravandekar tip 1
The change began with a heartfelt decision that burst through all the hopelessness and uncertainty that I felt at the time. I decided to love my life the way it was at any given moment. I decided that I would not wait for anything to get better or for anyone to tell me how good or bad my life is.

I believe I reached this decision point because I prayed, tearfully and desperately. The years of spiritual practice and self development certainly must have brought its own magic somewhere. But my prayer was answered as a decision that I woke up to.

To me falling in love with life is to live it moment by moment from the depth of my heart; to be with myself no matter what; to judge less and love more; to give my best in every situation and rest in the knowing that I did so; to laugh, sing and dance more often; to be grateful for this very body that makes existence magical; to connect in the spirit of oneness and to smilingly let go of all that wants to leave.

The journey of falling in love with life begins when you
– make a decision to fall in love with your life.
– claim your life as your own, every joyful and painful bit of it.
– give your best to a situation/person from where you are at.
– know that you are always in partnership with the Divine.
– include a healthy dose of play and fun in your life, no matter what the circumstances.
– are consciously open to the joy and abundance that the existence pours on you every moment.

Since the time I made the decision to fall in love with life I wake up eager for what the coming day will bring my way. I put myself to sleep counting the numerous blessings I have received. I bless every moment with love and happiness. I do not worry about my health, my finances, relationships or ego any more. I play my role, take the necessary action steps and leave the rest to the infinite power that exists. I pray and ask for guidance because a sincere prayer never goes unheard. After all prayer was the key that unlocked my love for life. If my mind meanders down the old road of worry again then I switch on some groovy music and dance it out. Life has become simple and relatively easy. It began with a heartfelt decision to fall in love with life!

BindiyaBindiya Aravandekar coaches heart centered women entrepreneurs to grow their business by diving deep into their Akashic Records a.k.a the archives of the Soul. She helps women unblock their business path and claim their heart’s desire by aligning them to the destiny of their business with intuition, joy and presence. Find her online at

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The guest blogging party is going to continue into September (and maybe October too!) – to join in, check out the deets and rules here.


