How Quick Are You Gonna Get Up?

I was just listening to ‘Ali in the Jungle’ by The Hours – here’s a snippet of the lyrics:

Everybody gets knocked down,
How quick are you gonna’ get up?

At the end of last week I had quite a significant knock down – one that left me feeling totally squooshed (like Thomas out of Tom and Jerry when he’s just been whacked with the broom!) Fortunately my friends helped me pick myself up off the floor and get (tentatively) back up again. Today when I was listening to this song, it seemed a very appropriate subject to share with you. Everybody gets knocked down. Everybody. It’s just one of them things. The important thing is how quick are you going to get back up?

This is not to say that you should get back up instantly. Oh no, take the time to hurt if you need to hurt, to hide if you need to hide, to cry if you need to cry. Be gentle with yourself when you’ve been knocked down. But once you’ve had some recovery time, get up. And keep going. You won’t be alone in being knocked down, and when you get up you’ll be stronger, wiser…and maybe it will even turn out that there’s a big silver lining in that there cloud. This knock-down might just have knocked me into the path of something very inspiring…we’ll see.




