I Have Confidence In Me

Forgive me if you hate ‘the Sound of Music’ – having been to see it at the weekend, I’m having a week of “Sound of Music” themed blog posts! Lol. Today, having confidence in yourself. Let me remind you of part of the lyric to ‘I have confidence in me’:
“I have confidence in sunshine
I have confidence in rain
I have confidence that spring will come again
Besides which you see I have confidence in me”

If you know the film, you will know that this song comes in at a point when Maria does NOT have confidence in herself, she’s out of her depth, scared and about to go into completely new territory. But rather than dwell on what she is unsure of, she concentrates on what she has confidence in and works on building her confidence. In a pinch, what do you do? Build your confidence, or dwell on your uncertainties? Think about what you CAN have confidence in, or go into how you could cock it up?

A brave man is not the one without fear (that’s the idiot), but the one who carries on despite his fear. There are times when we aren’t sure if we can do something. We have a choice whether we carry on regardless, or we choke and stay in the safe place. The trouble is, that safe place starts to become claustrophobic, erodes our confidence more and eventually hurts way more than carrying on regardless would have. So next time you’re on the road to a new adventure, remember to have confidence in you.




