July Daily Practice: 10 Minutes of Yoga - Donna Higton - life coach and author
Whenever I ask myself what Daily Practice I need to add into my life, Yoga is always the answer! For a few brief months last year, I did manage to do a 10 minute yoga practice every day, and I felt better for it. My body felt stronger, I was calmer, and I seemed to have more time in the day to do everything I wanted to seemed to slow down time (or maybe it gave me greater clarity so I was more efficient?) Anyway, ever since Yoga dropped out of my Daily Practice, my soul has been gently and persistently whispering to me 'Yoga - 10 minutes - every day'. And I've ignored it! Until recently. My yoga teacher has been unable to take our class for a couple of months (sending you much love, Pat!)...and I have felt the difference in my body and in my mind. So, I decided to start doing some yoga at home. I've been practicing yoga for over 5 years, so it's not like I don't know what to do! And you know me, I like to make it EASY for myself - I'd rather do a practice imperfectly than not at all. I decided to do a few warm up postures in the morning, and a few stretching postures in the evening. Which then led to me trying out 'just one pose' (that led to 4 more) when I had my afternoon energy dip. And I feel better. When doing my morning pages last week, my soul gave me this message "Yoga grounds you, releases endorphins, stretches your body, calms your mind, releases tension, clears the channel between you and spirit, opens your heart, brings you peace, fills you with a sense of calm and joy. Why wouldn't you do it every day?" Excellent question! So, yoga becomes the July Daily Practice to help me bed in this practice. Rather than try to keep up the complicated morning/afternoon/evening practice (which is likely to fall by the wayside most days!), I will be aiming to do 10 minutes of yoga every day. Will you join me? If yoga is not your thing, perhaps you could stretch for 10 minutes, or do another form of exercise that you want to add into your routine? Leave me a comment below to let me know what Daily Practice you will be adding to your routine in July. And if you want daily reminders to help you keep on track, make sure you are following my facebook page or twitter page. Love Donna.x Photo credit: Martinlouis on Morguefile