My Word for 2015…PEACE!

My word for 2015 peaceHonestly, I would never have expected my word for the year next year to be PEACE. I am not a particularly ‘peaceful’ person – I’m lively and bubbly and full of ideas and I’m busy. Busy doing, creating, enjoying, building a fabulous life. But the more I think about it, the more I know that this is my word for 2015.

When I boil down everything I want for the next year, one word describes it perfectly…PEACE.

Clear the clutter from my home…PEACE.
Have the freedom to follow my inspiration…PEACE. I knew that I needed financial freedom, time freedom…but also to be able to do this, I need PEACE. Not to be mithered and busy and overwhelmed and trying to create 1000 things at once…but PEACE from which to create.
Getting fit and healthy…PEACE in my body.
Financial goals…PEACE around money and finances.
Relationship goals and desires…PEACE and harmony in those relationships.

A friend of mine is doing a Year of Silence…and although I know this is not for me, there was a recognition from my soul of what she was doing…and the PEACE it would bring.

I’m actually really excited about what this year will bring in the pursuit of PEACE.

In previous years, my words have all been quite active – joy, inspiration, abundance, creativity, fun, dance. But now, I can feel the calm that comes with a word that inspires me to slow down, take great care of me, practice wu wei, be grounded and create from a place of PEACE instead of a place of utter chaos. I’m looking forward to it!

Have you chosen a word for 2015? What is it? I’d love to know – reply to this e-mail and tell me.

I didn’t really pick this word – I wouldn’t have chosen PEACE. It picked me – it’s the thing I most need, the concept that will change my world the most in the coming year, and it’s going to make my acupuncturist laugh…a lot!

If you need help finding your word of the year, check out this article by Christine Kane…you’ll know your word when it arrives, because even if it’s the most unlikely word you can think of for you, it will just feel…right. Peaceful, even!

Wishing you the most peaceful, wonderful, joyful, love-full, laughter-full 2015. Thank you so much for being with me this year – I appreciate every one of you for reading, for letting me know what you’re thinking, for sharing when I’ve hit the spot for you. Please continue to be awesome in 2015!




