Nanowrimo Update – 1 Week To Go

Well, there’s only a week to go until November is over and I’ll either be a Nanowrimo winner (having written 50000 words) or loser (having written less). Of course, whether I win or lose, I will still have learnt some incredilbe things about the process of writing a novel – among which is the need to note down somewhere what my characters do for work so I don’t have to re-read 25000 words to find out!

As of this moment, I am at 35000 words or thereabouts, still have 15000 more to go and I am really wishing I hadn’t started this challenge! But such is the nature of a challenge, it seems like a good idea at the time, then you wonder if you have become bereft of all reason, then you complete the challenge and are enormously proud of yourself and glad you did it.

Then of course comes the resolve never to do such a barmy thing ever again, and 1 year later you find yourself signing up to do exactly that! Lol. So, with only just over a month to go til 2009 ends, what challenge are you going to take up? (if you’re interested in a fun one, make sure you check the blog on Friday for a GREAT challenge!)

Wish me luck with my last 15000 words, and if anyone has any creative energy to send my way…I need it! Thank you!




