Nothing Holding You Back - Donna Higton - life coach and author
What is holding you back from having a joyous life? What is holding you back from falling in love with life? What is holding you back from doing what you want to do? You may have answered 'money', 'time', 'not knowing how or what to do', maybe it is a person or people, the government, that you are not confident enough, that you have not got the knowledge or the skill or the motivation or the right shoes (!). What is it that holds you back in your life? Identify it all... Now imagine that there is NOTHING holding you back. There is nothing in your way. You have all the resources, time, intelligence, creativity, support, ideas, motivation, energy that you need to enjoy your life, to fall in love with your life, to do whatever you want to do. Just imagine it for a moment. What would that be like? How would that change things for you? What could you do if there was nothing holding you back? What first step would you take? Why not take that first step right now? Move towards enjoying your life, falling in love with your life, doing what you want to do...even though there are things holding you back, move forward anyway. Many of the things holding you back will just fall away under the glow of your inspiration and determination...and those that don't will become more of an inconvenience than a brake on your dreams. Move forward anyway. Do it now, as if there is nothing holding you back. Leave a comment and tell me what you'd do if nothing were holding you back...and then go do it! Love Donna.xxxx PS Put a comment below to tell me what it is that's holding you back and in a future blog, I'll address that particular thing more specifically. Trust me, you won't be alone in whatever it is you feel is holding you back!