October Daily Practice: Laugh!

Did you join me last month for the September Daily Practice – feeling good? It was a good practice huh? So, this month I decided to continue in a ‘good feeling’ vein with LAUGHTER. Yep, the daily practice this month is laugh. Laugh, every day, every time you get a chance, and make a big effort to laugh lots! Join me over on my facebook page for a daily reminder to laugh, links to some funny stuff and resources to help you get laughing!

Remember when you were a young child, and everything would set you off laughing? Well, I want you to get some of that glee, merriment and hilarity back into your life in October (and if it’s fun, maybe beyond October too!). So, are you with me? Here’s what you do: Make a committment to yourself to LAUGH. Daily, often, easily. Come and join my facebook page, have a think about what and who makes you laugh and make the decision to spend time with funny stuff! And enjoy it!

Love, and laugh!




