OnTheBeach – A Shining Beacon of Light

A note from Donna

Brrrrrr…Well, I can now feel November approaching in the air – the good news is that I am writing this sat beside a roaring fire and I don’t have to go back outside today. I’m sure I was a bear (or some other hibernating creature) in a previous life! I’m making good progress with my latest project – Banishing Money Misery course. Soon I will need people to test it out, check it makes sense and critique it. In return, these lovely people will be the first to see it, and get a copy for nothing! If that sounds like it could be of interest to you, and you’d like more details, please e-mail me.

A Shining Beacon of Light

Imagine that you are standing outside as the sky gets dark. As the light fades, you switch on a torch – this torch stays as a shining beacon of light no matter how dark the sky becomes. Now imagine that you are the torch, and the darkness is your workplace. Many people tell me (and indeed I remember living it!) that their workplace is full to bursting with negative, petty, malicious and spiteful people.

The irony being that if you were to meet any one of those people outside the workplace, you would probably find that they were lovely! Often this ‘bad’ behaviour is just thoughtlessness rather than malice, inattentiveness rather than spite. Some places just seem to breed that uncomfortable atmosphere that makes people behave badly…but wait! “Makes” them behave badly? Does someone hold a gun to their head and say “Today you will backstab, gossip and be petty and irritable”?

No…it is a choice we all make. And often the choice is not whether we are loving or malicious – most of us would not choose to be malicious – but whether to react to your environment or rise above it. Whether to switch off your torch and join the darkness or keep shining. It is often said that it is so hard to keep being fabulous in a situation where everyone else is being negative and foolish.

But actually it just requires a little more attention, a bit of determination and a strong sense of how wonderful you are. We all have a great need for acceptance, but if that acceptance means turning down who we are – becoming less fabulous, less loving, less friendly, less wonderful, that is too high a price to pay. This subject came up this week because one of the nicest, most compassionate, lovely people I know was griping about work and the petty, self-serving behaviour…that they had joined into.

Although I understand how it happens, and I’ve done it 1000 times myself, I was shocked that this shining beacon of compassion and gorgeousness would stoop to the level set by other people. And I couldn’t help but feel that their workplace, and indeed the world was a darker place without their full fabulousness. If you are not your fully fabulous self in your workplace, or even with your family and friends, you need to pay attention. Protect yourself from other people’s energies, be mindful of who you really are, and DO NOT let them put out your light.

Something to play with

Close your eyes for a few seconds and imagine yourself as a beacon of light. Is your light shining out strongly and fully, reflecting your magnificence? Or is it dimmed, darkened, hidden? Imagine that light shining brilliantly and like rays of sunshine, your light uplifting the world around you. Open your eyes and carry on with your day…mindful that you are responsible for shining your light, and you MUST NOT allow it to dim.

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