OnTheBeach – Bit by Bit by Bit by Bit

I had the excellent fortune to get a ticket for the Abraham Hicks workshop in London this week, and a fabulous time was had by all. Esther Hicks is an inspirational speaker who dialogs with a group of spiritual teachers who call themselves Abraham. It might seem a bit ‘woo-woo’ to some, but it’s fascinating stuff – and much of their teachings can be easily translated to the ‘real’ world. For example, bit by bit by bit by bit.

You see, we all want to go from skint to millionaires in 2 steps, from single to married in a heartbeat, from miserable to joyful in a day and a half (less if we can manage it!). So we go through a circuit of determination, followed by disillusionment when the thing we want doesn’t appear instantly, followed by despair, and again and again. Ok, maybe I exaggerate slightly (you’ll be astonished to note!).

I have seen it many times – people get really angry with themselves for not being fitter, faster, stronger, better. An entirely self-defeating practice if ever I heard one. While we are on the way to achieving what we want to achieve, we rarely stop to notice that we are getting there, that progress (however miniscule) is being made, that each step we take brings us closer to where we want to be in life.

Take a joyful life for example. I went from being a total misery-guts who contemplated suicide in the 90’s (only briefly, and I wasn’t very serious about it) to being ‘DonnaOnTheBeach’ – the woman who, a friend told me yesterday, is ‘all about joy’. Did I make this leap from despair to joy in 10 minutes? Did I stop mid-sentence and change my attitude? Did I have a personality transplant? No, to all 3 questions! (although some of my friends find the change incredible!)

So how did I do it? Bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit…you get the message right?! Step by step. And sometimes I felt like nothing was happening at all, like I wasn’t moving, like nothing was changing. But it was – bit by bit. They say a watched pot never boils, and it’s the same with personal changes! Because you are with you all the time, you can’t see the changes that are happening…but they are. Bit by bit.

– Something To Play With –

What would you really like your life to be like? What would you love to have in your life? Stop for a moment and notice how far you have already come. Notice that changes are happening – bit by bit. And that they will continue to happen, bit by bit…just let go of your impatience (a subject for another day!). Want to share how this article affects you? E-mail me. I love to hear from readers, and will respond to all e-mails


