OnTheBeach – Pure Presence

A note from Donna

So, V festival was muddy, wet, cold, muddy, and there was GREAT music. Fortunately the music made up for the weather – well, for me at least, my friend was last seen muttering ‘never ever ever ever again’ as she stamped mud off her boots and jeans!! The fact that I had to hose off my jeans and boots the next day was utterly irrelevant – it was fabulous…a fact testified to by my lack of voice the following day. It did take me half the week to recover though – thank god I didn’t go for the whole weekend!

Pure Presence

So, there was a moment last Sunday at the festival where I realised that there is nothing better than being purely in the moment. This particular moment was during a song by my favourite band – it was raining, I was tired, I was ankle deep in stinky mud, and the wind was cold…AND I had my arms up in the air, was singing at the top of my voice with a big smile on my face and I felt ALIVE!

Why did I feel so alive? Because I was totally present in the moment – pure presence. When was the last time you were totally present in the moment? Not worrying about the past, not worrying about the future, not thinking about your to-do list, just purely present in that moment. I am a thinker, I’m always thinking, so for me, pure presence happens only when my mind has something else to occupy it – a good play, opera, ballet, sporting event, gig or film will do it. As will dancing, exercise if I get really into it, meditation, writing, and a good book…I can lose hours in a good book!

What inspires that pure presence for you? When do you forget about your life and just LIVE? And are you doing that regularly? Your life deserves to have you experiencing the joy of pure presence…there is nothing better!

Something to play with

List 5 things that inspire that pure presence in you – 5 things that allow you to lose any sense of time and space and just live in this moment. Now go and arrange to do one of those things.


