OnTheBeach – Savour Your Life

A note from Donna –

Oh Sunshiiiiiiiiine! In the UK we have such lovely weather at the moment – it is utterly delightful – blue skies, sunshine. Gorgeous. The papers have been full of stories about how much happier we are when the sun is shining. I have been loving it this week – and I have really been taking the time to appreciate it while it’s here. It’s been an immensely busy couple of weeks – workwise and socially – and it’s worth remembering that by being present, you amplify the joy in this moment. So if the sun is still shining, remember to take a moment to enjoy it!!

– Savour Your Life –

Isn’t it always the way that you have nothing to do for weeks, then all of a sudden everything comes at once. Like buses. My life has been like that these past 2 weeks – I’ve had lots of meetings, lots of social engagements, lots of stuff going on. I’ve barely had time to appreciate one thing before I’m moving on to the next one. Given the choice, I’d rather have a slightly less chaotic life, and more chance to savour each moment, but the beginning of May just hasn’t worked out that way!

It did get me thinking though – do you take the time to savour your life? The good stuff I mean, not the stuff that sucks!! When you are enjoying a meal with friends, are you fully there, enjoying said meal? Or are you worrying about the past or future, thinking about how much you have to do when you get home, too caught up in the enormity of life to appreciate the minutae of life?

Joy lives in the small things – in a starry sky at night, in beautiful sunshine, in the first spring flowers, in shared experience of friendship, in music, in dancing, in moments of appreciation for what is around you. And so often we go through life with our eyes half closed, not paying attention to what is there, not being present, not milking every ounce of enjoyment we can out of each precious moment.

This was underlined to me today as my friend followed me ‘the scenic route’ from where we met for lunch. It is a beautiful route – fields and trees and big skies, but because I drive it quite often, I had grown immune to the beauty! Today I looked at it through new eyes – eyes that have never seen it before…and it is a stunning journey. Not just a way to get from A to B, a journey to be savoured. Much like life. Are you savouring yours?

– Something To Play With –

As you go through life this week, remember to stop and savour the moment. Pause and smell the flowers, actually see the world around you as you drive or walk from place to place, enjoy doing what you are doing in this moment – savour these words! Want to share how this article affects you? Leave me a comment below


