OnTheBeach - The Voice of Wisdom - Donna Higton - life coach and author
This week, the beach card "Learn to listen to your intuition" inspired me to bring an article about listening to your inner knowing out of the archives - I hope it inspires you to listen to the voice inside you that knows. You know what I'm talking about - that voice that whispers to you in the stillness of your heart, beseeching you to listen to it. For example, as I was writing that sentence, the little voice inside me asked me to send an e-mail to a friend I haven't seen in a while. I don't know why, but I trust the voice of wisdom...and I hope you do too! And if you should get a feeling or a thought while reading this about someone you think needs to read it too, please listen to your voice of wisdom and share it! Thank you. - The Voice of Wisdom - Do you trust yourself? Do you know that you know the answers to whatever questions are plaguing you? Do you look inside for the wisdom that you know is there, and do you trust that what you are doing is the right thing for you, always? It's an interesting phenomena that so few of us do trust ourselves to do the right thing. Nor do we trust that we know what is best for ourselves. Our inner wisdom is an incredible gift, yet we often ignore it in favour of something which is bad for us because we can't justify what the inner voice says. There is no logical reason for it, therefore it must be wrong. Personally, I think logic is a daft reason to do anything, but that is another story. Let me give you an example of this inner wisdom - several years ago, I decided to go to Australia backpacking. I 'knew' that it was the right thing for me to do at that time. I couldn't explain 'why' and I couldn't give 'reasons' - except that I knew it was right. The sensible thing at the time would have been to go for promotion, buy a house, settle down - and I 'knew' that was not the answer for me. Most people thought I was barking mad, and that I would never do it, but I 'knew'. I consider myself very lucky, because that was the first time that my inner wisdom asserted itself, and now I know exactly how it sounds. I know that my inner wisdom doesn't need logic or reasons - in fact, I know if I am giving reasons, I am trying to justify something to my wisdom, rather than the other way round. What about you? Can you recognise the voice of your inner wisdom? Here's a tip - your inner wisdom doesn't think you're an idiot! So, what do you 'know' about your situation? Think of something that you are struggling with, something that you need to sort out. What does your inner wisdom say to you? Don't think of reasons or justifications, just get in touch with what you know. Your inner wisdom is a huge resource that often gets ignored - maybe because it's impractical to follow your intuition. And here's the thing - if you give it a chance, that still, small voice within will give you the strength and the practical steps you need. By listening to what it is saying to you, you also give it the opportunity to help you do what you need to. So, what does the still small voice within say to you today? - Something to Play With - What does the voice of your inner wisdom sound like? How do you recognise it? What is it saying to you today? Want to share your thoughts on this article? Leave me a comment below. Love Donna.x