OnTheBeach: What Do You Really Want For Your Life?

What do you really want for your life
I am currently working on an e-workshop for the new year about Creating Your Vision For Your Life and to celebebrate its impending release, I’m doing a 4-blog series looking at each section of the workshop.

Today, VISION.

So, what do you really want for your life? I mean, what do you really, really, really want? I apologise for accidentally quoting Spice Girls lyrics. Do you know what you want? Do you have a super clear vision of what it is you’re working towards? And if you do, do you regularly check in with that vision?

Creating a well thought-out vision for your life is so important…otherwise you’re just spinning your wheels or driving aimlessly about, seeking ‘something’…but not really knowing what. But even if you do know what you want, do you know what you really want? Do you know the motivation behind it? The reason you want what you want?

Because sometimes what we think we want isn’t really what we want…it’s what we think will give us what we want. Confused? Don’t be – it’s the nature of the human to make things a bit complicated, to add conditions to dreams and desires, to think there is only one way to do what we want to do…when actually life has an infinity of ways to make us happy, and all we really need to do is to get clear on what we truly want.

We all have some idea of what we think we want…and we usually want that thing because we think we’ll be happier if we have it. But you can dig a little deeper and find the whys and wherefores and deeper motivations for your desires…and in doing so, you get clarity, you get understanding of yourself…and often you get an easier way to get what you really want than “bend the entire world to my will”.

So I’d like you to try this exercise:
List everything you want for your life – include the little, the big, the ‘been wanting this for years’, the New Year’s Resolutions you’ve made every year for the last 17 years. Make a nice big list of what you want. (Don’t overcomplicate it by the way – it’s silly season, if you’ve only got 3 minutes to spare today, do a super quick 3 minute list! It’s more important to do it than to do it perfectly.)

Now, pick your top 10 wants and ask yourself why you want each thing. What’s the desire behind the desire? Why do you want what you want?

For example, you may want to give up smoking to be healthier; you may want to go to the gym because you want to be fitter; you may want to be healthier and fitter because you want to feel good about yourself; you may want a better job because you want more money; you may want more money because you want more freedom; you may want more freedom because you want to have the time to create; you may want to create because you love it!

Get to the bottom of what you want – find what you really want. Because sometimes we say “I want a better job, with more hours, money, responsibility and stress because I want to go travelling in the far-distant future.” Um. Why not just go travelling? Sometimes it’s easier to have what we really want NOW than we think. When I was just starting out, I wanted 40 clients a week. So I’d have a good income. So I could have the lifestyle I wanted, being chilled and at ease and enjoying every day.

Newsflash! With 40 clients a week, I wouldn’t have been very chilled! Luckily I didn’t get what I wanted. Instead I discovered what I really wanted. Which was the lifestyle bit…and I just started to live that straightaway instead of waiting until I’d ticked off some arbitrary goal, realised it was too much, probably had a nervous breakdown, and gone a really long way around to get what I wanted!

I want you to take the shortcuts to a life you are hopelessly in love with – I want you to be clear about what it is you REALLY want…and to start living that feeling, that value, that way of being right now…while you’re on the way to achieving all the rest of your amazing goals!

Have enormous fun with this exercise, and please, let me know your insights, your aha’s and any questions you have…you’ll help me make the workshop EVEN BETTER if you do!
Want more help creating a fabulous vision for your life? Check out the “Create a Life Worth Falling in Love With E-workshop”.




