Play The Hand You’re Dealt

This last week in the UK, we’ve been getting all politically excited with the election, the hung parliament, and the deals being done. Of course, I too have a political opinion. But mostly, I’m just going to play the hand I’m dealt. Whoever ‘got in’ as Prime Minister. Whoever has control of the government, I’ll just play the hand they deal me. This does not mean I am politically apathetic, but I am realistic.

This is all we CAN do. And I intend to play the game to the best of my ability with the cards they give me. Why the card metaphor? Well, many of you know that what cards you get is a matter of luck/fate/random chance, but the way you play is down to you. And putting this back into politics – the country have voted which deck to play, now we get to see what cards this deck will deal. And whatever cards they deal, we get to play our game.

This doesn’t just apply to politics, it applies to all life. I’ll be honest, health-wise, I’ve been dealt a hand that sucks right now…but I have every intention of flipping that diagnosis and playing a winning hand even with cards that suck. I’m going to play the game the best way I know how – and I intend to get better at the game so that I give myself a better chance of winning!

Health wise, this means changing some of my habits, bringing in some new habits and learning how to take better care of this body. That’s the serious side of it. But the card metaphor has another side – the fun side! It’s a game. I asked on my Facebook page last week “what if I was doing this just for fun?” What if we were ‘doing life’ just for fun? What if the whole purpose of life was to have a laugh?

Would that change how you played the game? Would it change your measures of success and importance? Would it change how you looked at your cards? Let’s face it, sometimes life does deal us a hand that appears to suck. For example, I’m finding it hard to see the positive side of my diagnosis (put it this way, I don’t have Chronic Fatigue). But if it’s just for fun, this diagnosis is just a card I have to play the best way I can…while having fun.

And this is just one of the cards I’m holding – the fact that I am completely fabulous might just make up for this one shit card! Lol. So what about you? Why not try this metaphor on for size? Don’t bemoan the hand you’re dealt, just play it. Play it with intelligence, learn the rules of the game, learn the cheats ;-), and HAVE FUN!






