Podcast: Getting Moving on Your Big Dream


Or download to your computer by right clicking here: Getting Moving On Your Big Dream

We have all sorts of excuses not to get moving on our Big Dreams – it’s not the right time, you’re not confident enough, you’ll do it next week/next year/never! Do what you can with what you have – get moving and keep moving. Take action now! Allow yourself to be a beginner in whatever it is you want to do. Practice, raise your confidence, move your feet.

TAKE ACTION! Take a baby step, now, today.

To listen to the podcast about Baby Steps: https://donnaonthebeach.com/blog/2012/01/dreams-to-reality-podcast-the-firstnext-step-towards-your-big-dream/

To listen to the podcast about Dream Teams: https://donnaonthebeach.com/blog/2012/02/podcast-ask-for-help-with-your-big-dream/

You can also subscribe to this podcast on itunes here.

May all your dreams become reality.

