Podcast: Inspiration and Your Big Dream

 Where do you find your inspiration? Where do the ideas and bolts from the blue come from? To make your big dream a reality you need an outlet where inspiration can strike. Here are a few of the places that inspiration strikes me: morning pages (from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron), meditation, walking the dog, falling asleep. You also need to capture these inspirations or they just get forgotten.

To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Inspiration and Your Big Dream

Part 1: Notice when inspiration strikes for you. What are you doing? What mood are you in? Where are you?
Part 2: Make sure you have a way to capture those ideas – keep a notepad by your bed.
Part 3: Look for ways to invite inspiration in – do more of the things that work for you, or try new things to find other ways to invite inspiration in.

You can also subscribe to this podcast on itunes here.

May all your dreams become reality.





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