Podcast: You've Got What It Takes - Donna Higton - life coach and author
I saw this quote this morning "You've got what it takes, but it will take everything you've got". When you give your all, you open the door to more - more creativity, more joy, more ideas, more energy, and you've got more to give. It's awesome! So why wouldn't we go all in? Here's a few of the most common reasons: fear of failure, fear of success, lack of self-confidence, feeling unworthy, lack of role models who inspire you to greater. All of which can be overcome. Listen to find out more. To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: You've Got What It Takes (or to download to your computer, right click on the link and 'save link as' or 'save target as') Homework Part 1: Where are you holding back from giving everything you've got to your Big Dream? Part 2: What would be different if you gave your all to your Big Dream? You can also subscribe to this podcast on itunes here. May all your dreams become reality. Love Donna.x