Question Everything

Once you’ve decided that something is absolutely true (or untrue!), you’ve closed your mind on it. A closed mind has nowhere to go. Question Everything.

Is it really true that life sucks?

Is it really true that you can’t change anything?

Is it really true that you can’t have the life you want?

Is it really true that ‘it has to be this way’?

What if it wasn’t? What if not accepting that ‘truth’ led you to a wonderful life? A wonderful job? A wonderful partner?

8 years ago, I kept coming back to one thought ‘there must be more to life than this!’ And I was right – I kept questioning that things had to be as they were, that I couldn’t change anything…and along the way, I found coaches and friends who constantly challenged me to question my most deeply held beliefs. Here’s what I found: there are no absolutes. And many of my beliefs (particularly the ones that limited me and kept me small!) were wrong.

Question Everything. Your questions may just lead to answers you never dreamed of.




