Are You Using Your Sanity Toolkit This Holiday Season?

Holidays are coming, holidays are coming…and the lead up to the holidays is full of that insane energy of excitement plus too much to do plus pressure of making this year awesome plus (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway) the energy of winter encouraging hibernation just at the time you need to be DOING on speed.

It’s the perfect time to practice all those sanity tools you have in your toolkit…and yet, when we need them most is usually the time we abandon them. Because we’re too busy! Too busy to take care of ourselves. Too busy to slow down and breathe. Too busy to relax. Too busy to get enough sleep. Too busy to meditate. Too busy to exercise. Too busy to eat. It reminds me of the Zen saying:

“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you are too busy, then you should sit for an hour.”

Who has the time to take care of their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self-care when they are busy? But isn’t that the time you need it most? Plus, you know that if you don’t tend to yourself when life is busy, you’ll burnout, get sick, get stressed, not enjoy your holiday. And all for the want of simply taking a little time and using the tools in your toolkit.

So, what tools are sitting in your toolkit unused? What are your sanity tools? What makes you feel better? Not in a temporary, wine-soaked way, but in a healthy, loving yourself way. What tools do you need to make time for this holiday season?

In case you need some inspiration, here are my top 5 sanity tools:

1. Writing – I’ve done the morning pages almost every day for years and there is no better way to care for my mind. Especially when life is crazy-busy and I’m getting super stressed, I take to the page and write out all the thoughts swirling round my head – I always emerge with greater clarity and the ability to at least think straight.

2. Yoga – stretching, breathing, focusing on moving my body into wonderful contortions helps my body relax, my mind stop stressing, my heart fill and my spirit soar. Even if I only have time for one posture, it’s enough to take me out of my panic and feel better.

3. Dancing – there is no problem that dancing can’t help. Writer’s block, stress, feeling pissed off, brain overload, tiredness and tension can all be eased by simply moving my body to music. It’s like a magic pill of fabulousness.

4. Meditation – ok, I do not sit in meditation for an hour. Nor do I sit in lotus position. I do sometimes Om though. And I do find that if I do make time to meditate, even if that is only for 5 minutes, I’m less stressed, more focused and my brain is less likely to fry.

5. Get away from the stress – going outside, playing with my dog, having a nap, taking a walk, talking to a friend, even sitting in a different place in my house to work on something. Simply changing your environment and/or having a bit of fun can completely change how you feel.

All of these practices ‘take time’ from your very busy day…but in my experience they also give you time. They give you clarity and joy and self-love and relaxation and greater effectiveness. Isn’t that better than running round with your hair on fire, getting stressed and getting nowhere.

So, what sanity tools do you need to make time for this month? Let me know in the comments below.

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