Space to Hear Yourself

At the end of my yoga class last night, I found myself having some great ideas for what to do in my life. And I often find that the best ideas for blog posts, videos and articles come when I am not sat at my desk in front of my keyboard! Why is this? Well, because we have much more wisdom than we give ourselves credit for. Whenever we’re trying to ‘think’ of a solution, we are putting immense pressure on our brain to come up with a piece of brilliance in the middle of the problem.

But creativity doesn’t work so well in a confined space like that. Ever had someone breathing down your neck as you’re trying to do something? It doesn’t help a lot does it? In fact, it makes it more pressured and difficult. You need to create the space to be able to hear yourself – your inner self, your intuition, which whispers gently to you. And that can’t be heard if you are shouting in the caverns of your mind ‘I NEED AN ANSWER’.

So when was the last time you had space to hear yourself? And when is the next time? Ideally, this will be daily…but even if you start with giving yourself space once this week, that’s a start!




