Tag: criticism

  • Fall in Love With Your Inner Critic

    Fall in Love With Your Inner Critic

    There is a lot of advice out there about dealing with your inner critic – shutting her up, telling her to fuck off, boxing her in, ignoring her. Hmmm. I never liked the idea of demonising my inner critic – after all, she is still part of me, even if she is a part I…

  • Do You Choose Shit Street or Celebration Way?

    Do You Choose Shit Street or Celebration Way?

    It would be very easy for me to start today’s message with a little rant about what’s going wrong. Because today, a lot has gone wrong…mainly to do with one website who’ve cost me 2 and a half hours fecking about time…anyway, not getting into it or I’ll never stop! Especially when we’re in the…

  • Don’t Let Anyone Put You Down

    Don’t Let Anyone Put You Down

    Sometimes people around us inadvertently put us down…sometimes they do it deliberately, but whether it’s intended or not, don’t accept it. You don’t have to have a massive confrontation, you can just ignore it. (Although I do love a well placed “who do you think you’re talking to” or a clear “that’s not a nice…

  • OnTheBeach:  Stop Thinking It’s You

    OnTheBeach: Stop Thinking It’s You

    Have you ever had this experience? You find a new ‘system’ for success/making money/time management/dieting or whatever…and you try it and it doesn’t work? So you perhaps try again and it still doesn’t work. So you blame yourself for being lazy, good for nothing, stupid, having no willpower, being in the wrong somehow and everyhow.…

  • The Nuggets of Gold That Pave Your Golden Path to a Joyful Life

    A couple of weeks ago, in my wrap up of the March Daily practice, I talked about treating the things you try as experiment, rather than just assuming you failed if things don’t work out exactly as you planned. After having similar conversations with all of my current coaching clients (plus a few friends, old…

  • Podcast: Getting The Best From Yourself

    Most of us criticise ourselves and are cruel and mean to ourselves to try to get the best from ourselves…but it doesn’t really work that well! To get the best from yourself, you need to take care of yourself, energise yourself, enjoy your life, talk to yourself positively, encourage yourself, support yourself, be good to…

  • Podcast: Getting the Best From Yourself and Your Big Dream

    How do you get the best from yourself? Do you encourage, inspire, take care of yourself, energise yourself, enjoy your life, celebrate, acknowledge and reward yourself? Or do you beat yourself up and push, push, push? And if it’s the latter, does this really get the best from you? Or is it actually getting the…

  • Podcast: Celebration and Your Big Dream

    All too often we don’t honour ourselves, recognise ourselves or celebrate our little steps towards our big dreams. Why celebrate? To achieve your big dreams you will need all the encouragement and support you can get. It’s time to stop holding ourselves back with criticism, blame and negativity and start cheering ourselves on with celebration,…

  • Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

    What does your reflection in the mirror say to you? What is the first thing that springs to mind when you look at yourself in the mirror every day? Is it something along the lines of “oh my god, you look terrible – you look exhausted. And your skin? You shouldn’t eat junk, look at…

  • Oblivious to Criticism

    [caption id="attachment_2738" align="alignleft" width="300" caption=" "][/caption] “All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to Criticism.” I absolutely love this quote…and ain’t it the truth?! We brits love to discuss (moan) about the weather…but it takes absolutely no notice. Just carries on doing it’s own thing. Being cold in…