Tag: failure

  • Keep Seeking Your Passion

    I was having a clearout this weekend, and I came across a couple of courses I did back in the late 90’s – Positive Thinking and Journalism. I had a little chuckle to myself at the memories of these courses – I thought the positive thinking course was a bit thin, not that useful, but…

  • All Wrote Out

    Nanowrimo finished on Monday (national novel writing month), so I’ve been taking a break from writing out of sheer creative exhaustion! The challenge was to write 50000 words in a month. The idea being that when you’ve got 50000 words, you have the bones at least of your novel. Most people feel they have a…

  • Perfectly Imperfect

    Do you strive to be ‘perfect’? Get upset when you ‘fail’? What if perfection was allowing yourself to be imperfect? To fail, mess up, get things horribly horribly wrong…and then to get up again with resilience and try once more? That’s perfection – the perfection of the human existence, because the glorious truth is that…