Tag: inner child

  • Announcing the September Daily Practice: Feel How You Feel

    This practice, may, at first look, seem a bit of an odd one. After all, how can you feel anything other than what you feel? But so often, we do not allow ourselves to feel how we feel – either because the emotion is a ‘bad’ one, or because there’s no point feeling joyful because…

  • Whose Idea Was Growing Up, Maturing, Getting Serious?

    At what point did you stop being silly? At what age did you lose your sense of the ridiculous? When did the absurd, bizarre and comic become less important than your responsibilities and duties? When did you Grow Up, Mature, Get Serious? Can you pinpoint the age you were when you stopped laughing so much?…

  • Podcast: Internal Chatter and Your Big Dream

    We all have the internal chatter in our minds that tells us we suck, or we can’t do it, or we’re scared, or we just want to go and play and watch tv. It can come from an inner critic, an inner child…another part of you, that’s actually trying to help you, believe it or…

  • What Does Your Inner Child Need Today?

    What does your inner child need from you today? Mine is always asking for more playtime, more fun, more laughter…and more sweets. She’s a lot wiser than me, I do need more playtime, more fun, more laughter…but maybe not more sweets! Ask your inner child what she needs from you today, and make sure you…