Tag: insult

  • Whose Expectations Are You Living Down To?

    Whose Expectations Are You Living Down To?

    I heard somewhere that a teacher told a young man he’d never amount to anything…that man was Einstein! I have no idea how true it is, but I do know that may great minds, successful people of all stripes have been told that they won’t achieve anything, that they’re worthless, stupid, should stop daydreaming of…

  • OnTheBeach – Don’t Let The B’s Grind You Down

    My parents have a saying “Don’t let the b*stards grind you down” – and there are times when this is the most pertinent advice that can be given! Because this is exactly what happens if you’re not vigilant – years and years of criticism, minor annoyances and unsupportiveness can just grind down your good humour…

  • Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

    What does your reflection in the mirror say to you? What is the first thing that springs to mind when you look at yourself in the mirror every day? Is it something along the lines of “oh my god, you look terrible – you look exhausted. And your skin? You shouldn’t eat junk, look at…