Tag: life

  • What are you going to do with the rest of your life?

    What are you going to do with the rest of your life?

    I was chatting to a friend last week who’s in a ‘transition phase’ in her life. You know the ones, when things change (careers, relationships, age, family, loss) and suddenly you’re thrust into thinking ‘what am I doing with my life?’ and ‘what am I going to do next?’ and ‘is this all my life…

  • Podcast: Ebbs and Flows and Your Big Dream

    There are natural ebbs and flows in our lives – times when we’re flowing and full of enthusiasm and life and action and movement, then times when we’re less energetic, more lethargic, taking less action, moving less…These are natural, and nothing to worry about. To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Ebbs and Flows…

  • Living Life With Passion

    When you think of Loving Life, what comes to mind? When you think of Living Passionately, what comes to mind? When you think of Living Joyfully, what comes to mind? It is my humble opinion that life is to be lived and loved, passionately, fully, joyfully. For too many of us, we don’t. Love of…

  • Ask Donna – My Life Sucks – a Big Dream Feels Like an Impossible Dream

    Click here to watch this week’s video Q: My life sucks. My life is really terrible. Everything is going wrong…everything’s been wrong for a while, and it’s really bad. There’s nothing good going on in my life at all. And this ‘big dream’ stuff seems like an impossible dream to me. – Anonymous When life…

  • Reflect Upon Your Blessings

    …Reflect upon your blessings, of which every man has plenty, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some… – Charles Dickens Do you spend more time reflecting on what a shame it is for you that you don’t have this or that, or on how lucky you are to have plentiful, running…

  • Every Moment is a Choice

    How many choice points do you think you have in your life? Do you only see the “big” choice points – this job or that job, this relationship or a single life, buy a house or go to Australia. What would you think if I told you that this moment is a choice point? And…

  • What Is Your Deepest Wish

    It’s Wishcasting Wednesday with Jamie Ridler of Jamie Ridler Studios. There is power in wishing – putting your wishes out there sets mighty forces into action… [/caption]What Is Your Deepest Wish? My deepest wish is that I am able to express my gifts in the most fulfilling and powerful way possible every day – my…

  • Stop Looking At What You Ain’t Got

    [caption id="attachment_2486" align="alignleft" width="200" caption=" "][/caption]I had a vague thought in the back of my mind to write something about thankfulness and gratitude today, as it’s Thanksgiving in the States. Even though we don’t have that celebration here, I feel like I do…because I read lots of newsletters and blogs from folks in the states!…

  • OnTheBeach – Revealing the Sculpture

    Michelangelo said that a sculptor just chipped away at a stone to reveal the beauty within. This got me thinking – isn’t this what we all do with our lives? We hold a vision of the life we want and start chipping away to reveal that life…by getting the education we want, the job, the…

  • OnTheBeach – Follow The Energy

    When I am sending my weekly article to my list, I now decide what article to send you by picking a ‘Beach Card’ and expanding on that – either with a previous article or something new…and this week the card picked is spooky for 2 reasons – one, it’s exactly what I was doing yesterday…