Tag: negativity

  • OnTheBeach: Are You Sensationalising Your Life?

    Imagine that you are writing the story of your life for a tabloid newspaper – what scandal, gossip and sensationalism can you come up with? How can you exaggerate the things that happen in your life? Are you on the brink of bankruptcy? Is the sky about to fall in? Don’t worry about the truth…

  • OnTheBeach: Olympic Medallists Don’t Win By Being Negative

    I was watching Dancing On Ice (yes, quality tv) at the weekend, and Beth Tweddle (Olympic bronze medallist gymnast) was reflecting on the previous week, where she had ‘lost’ a head to head ‘duel’. “Olympic Medallists don’t win by being negative”. That statement hit me like a punch in the gut. Of course they don’t.…

  • Podcast: Celebration and Your Big Dream

    All too often we don’t honour ourselves, recognise ourselves or celebrate our little steps towards our big dreams. Why celebrate? To achieve your big dreams you will need all the encouragement and support you can get. It’s time to stop holding ourselves back with criticism, blame and negativity and start cheering ourselves on with celebration,…

  • Flip it on its Head

    Apologies for being late with my newsletter article this week – I was busy yesterday being exceedingly grumpy! Partly hormonal, partly because I cannot bear the cold, the snow, basically I don’t like winter! As far as I’m concerned, bears have the right idea hibernating for the winter. One of my ambitions in life is…