Tag: obstacle busting

  • Obstacle Busting: Don’t Know What to Do

    Obstacle Busting: Don’t Know What to Do

    This one feels like the Mount Everest of obstacles, because when you don’t know, you don’t know…but it’s actually one of the easiest obstacles to get over, because all you need to do is find out what to do. Simple, eh? It’s not always that easy, I know that, but thanks to the internet, it’s…

  • Obstacle Busting: A Personal Earthquake or Seismic Change in Your Life

    Obstacle Busting: A Personal Earthquake or Seismic Change in Your Life

    Sometimes life throws a grenade into your world, causing everything to shift and change. Something happens that stops you in your tracks, distracts you, takes up all your time and attention, and all the work you’ve done on your dreams sits in a corner gathering dust. It happens to us all. Life is unpredictable and…

  • Obstacle Busting: Energy and Health Issues

    Obstacle Busting: Energy and Health Issues

    There are times in most of our lives when our health and energy become a problem – to the point that it gets in the way of us having the most magnificent life possible. Those damn bodies of ours, right? Er, no. Listen, your body is the machine that gets it all done, so taking…

  • Obstacle Busting: Getting on a Negative Train of Thought

    Obstacle Busting: Getting on a Negative Train of Thought

    Have you ever noticed the destinations of your trains of thought? Are they positive trains that make you feel good about yourself and your life? Or are they negative trains of thought that lead you directly to The Land of I Suck? For example, when you start on the train of thought: “This chapter isn’t…

  • Obstacle Busting: No Time

    Obstacle Busting: No Time

    It’s time for another chapter from the book “Obstacle Busting” that I’m currently working on editing. This one’s another one that’s come up a lot from the lovely people who’ve been sharing what obstacles are in the way of them creating a life they love – no time. Oh boy, if I had a pound…

  • Obstacle Busting: Fear

    Obstacle Busting: Fear

    For the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing chapters from my new book (while I’m feverishly working on the final drafts, edits, formatting, promotion and all that guff!). I’ve been asking what’s getting in the way of you creating the life you want to live so I can share the most relevant chapters and help…

  • When Your Castle in the Air is Left in Ruins

    When Your Castle in the Air is Left in Ruins

    Sometimes something happens that seems to take the legs from under you, sends a hurricane through the beautiful dream castle in the air that you’re building and leaves it in ruins on the ground. It may be a failure, a disappointment…or even just the memory of something that didn’t work out as you wanted it…

  • Suffering from Imposter Syndrome?

    Suffering from Imposter Syndrome?

    Today’s article is an excerpt from the updated “Obstacle Busting” book…hope you enjoy it! Pretty much every Big Dreamer, creative or business person I have ever come across has experienced some form of imposter syndrome – that feeling of not being good enough, not knowing enough, of ‘who am I to do …’ With stepping…

  • The Contraction After the Expansion

    The Contraction After the Expansion

    There’s a phenomenon that happens just after something amazing happens, or as you’re expanding into a new way of being, where you ‘contract’; where suddenly lots of fear and worry and doubt and stress come up (or you just want to fall on your face with exhaustion and stay there for the foreseeable future!) This…