Tag: peace

  • OnTheBeach – Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

    “Let your heart be light. From now on, our troubles will be out of sight.” So sang Judy Garland in 1944. 64 years later, can you imagine a Merry Little Christmas? Can you imagine your troubles being miles away? Or is Christmas going to be just another stressor on a long list of stressors? Many…

  • OnTheBeach – Please Sir, The Dog Ate My Newsletter

    A note from Donna Tomorrow I am off to Barcelona!!!! Mostly I am enormously excited, but there is also a tiny frisson of utter terror – I am not the best flier in the world. If they’d let me drive, I’d be fine (can’t speak for the other passengers though!). So tomorrow early evening UK…

  • Was That Worth Giving Up Your Peace For?

    I was reading a blog entry at http://blog.yourangelsmessage.com/2008/06/26/june-26-2008.aspx today and this question caught my eye “Was that worth giving up your peace for?” What has made you give up your peace today? What has made you angry, irritable, stressed, freaked out? Was it worth giving up your peace? For me, it was a lorry drifting…

  • OnTheBeach – Your True State of Being

    – A note from Donna – Oh, I was so enjoying that weather, I went out and bought a WICKED sun lounger (white and floral – it’s so cheery!) and it’s rained ever since. Aaaah, c’est la vie! But you know, whatever the weather is doing – get out and enjoy the outdoors. I was…

  • OnTheBeach – Powerless

    – A note from Donna – Well, the day I’d set aside for putting the finishing touches to the Torturer’s Bible and setting up the webpage is a bit of a washout. We had a fuse burnout and the entire fuse box is being replaced as I speak! So, I am without Power. So you…