Tag: productivity

  • 10 Step Guide to Get Shit Done

    10 Step Guide to Get Shit Done

    So, you wanna get shit done, right? You have a to-do list as long as the Mississippi river, you have so many things you want to do, you have no time to do any of it because you’re extremely busy. I hear ya, I know it well – my toodle-do list is about 15 pages…

  • When I’m On Good Form

    When I am on good form, I am a business GENIUS! When I am on good form I am creative, productive, focused, I have a lot of fun and life is easy. When I am on good form I enjoy life more. When I am on good form I don’t take the bullshit so seriously.…

  • You’d Think I’d Know Better

    Despite knowing that I get my worst and least work done when I am feeling uninspired, still I find myself forcing myself to sit at my desk and ‘get on with it’. Instead of getting up, stretching, playing with the dog, dancing, singing, laughing, getting some fresh air, blowing bubbles, bouncing on the trampoline or…