Tag: relax

  • Scan And Release

    Sounds like an IT process doesn’t it? But this is not about technology, it’s about your body. I sat down this morning to watch a bit of the tennis and realised that my shoulders were quite tense (and I wasn’t that bothered about the outcome of the game!). Scanning my body, I realised that I…

  • If It Wasn’t Personal…

    I was talking to a friend last night about taking things personally. In the UK, we have a horrible habit of taking things personally – someone is a bit ‘funny’ with us and we take it personally, our employer brings in a new rule and we take it personally, the weather is rubbish and we…

  • Worry Checklist

    Worry Checklist

    Worry is one of the biggest wastes of time there is, and unlike many other wastes of time (tv, the internet, housework) there is no reward, no fun, no point at all! And yet we all do it, so I thought I would share with you my Worry Checklist: So, here’s a ‘check list’ for…

  • Awaken Your Inner Tortoise

    On TED I found this talk from Carl Honore, the author of “In Praise of Slow” – one of my favourite books. If you are living life in the fast lane and finding it’s not as much fun as it used to be, watch this video! Let me know what you think – leave a…

  • Why is Rest a Dirty Word?

    Tell me something: Why is it that we find it desirable to work so hard that we have no time for our family and friends? Why is it that we are impressed by people who are terribly busy? Why is it that our working lives are dominated by stress and tension and no one sees…

  • The Off Switch

    Because of the environmental impact of our energy usage, the ‘off switch’ has got a lot of publicity. Basically, if you’re not using it, switch it off – why use energy to power a standby button? What about your personal off switch? Are you in the habit of using it, or are you always ready…

  • Chill Out

    Time’s might be tough, there may be lots of things to worry about and fret about, but how does that fretfulness help you to survive the tough times? It doesn’t…it makes it even worse. Remember always that you are a resourceful, wonderful human being and you can cope with whatever life throws at you. And…

  • OnTheBeach – Please Sir, The Dog Ate My Newsletter

    A note from Donna Tomorrow I am off to Barcelona!!!! Mostly I am enormously excited, but there is also a tiny frisson of utter terror – I am not the best flier in the world. If they’d let me drive, I’d be fine (can’t speak for the other passengers though!). So tomorrow early evening UK…