Tag: rest

  • When you need time off, do you take it?

    When you need time off, do you take it?

    So this week I’ve been confronted daily with an energy drop to zero. On Monday I woke up more tired than when I went to bed. Sometimes, the morning routine will refresh me. This week, not so much. In the past, I would have forced myself to do the things I wanted to do, until…

  • The Ebb is As Important As the Flow

    The Ebb is As Important As the Flow

    I had a very Monday-ish day on Monday. I was tired, and uninspired, and didn’t wanna, and everything was rubbish, and everything went wrong (spilt a glass of water over three…THREE…sets of headphones, wires and all. Sigh. And forgot to take the dog’s bags out so when she did her do, I had to run…

  • When Do You Get To Take A Break?

    When Do You Get To Take A Break?

    There’s something about self-employment they don’t tell you in the brochure. It ain’t easy to switch off! This weekend I had Saturday off, then on Sunday I did a bit of reading and writing and brainiac work. By Sunday evening my brain was so full, I couldn’t sleep. Because it was a Sunday, I ignored…

  • OnTheBeach:  14 Lessons From Ye Meltdowne

    OnTheBeach: 14 Lessons From Ye Meltdowne

    Oh joy! Rapture! I am no longer cuddling rock bottom! Phew. It’s been an interesting time, lemme tell ya. Ok, I’ll be honest, it frigging sucked! Meltdowns do suck. I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. But, once they’re over, and the goldfish memory starts to kick in and erase the pain and awfulness…

  • The Energy of The Season

    The Energy of The Season

    One of the themes that has come up in the conversations I’ve had this past week with clients and friends has been that they just can’t seem to get anything done. There is a real sense of lethargy and inertia in the air – not useful in the busy, stressful, party season! I have found…

  • The Tree That Bears the Most Fruit

    I am busy preparing for my interview with Deb Sturgess as part of her Virtual Telesummit starting on Friday. Deb wanted to create something to help people in difficult circumstances…and she came up with a virtual conference with 20 speakers (including myself) for $25 dollars! Awesome! This is such a great price, it’s ridiculous! She…

  • The Best For You

    This week’s OnTheBeach Article – to receive it every Wednesday, sign up here. Something I come across often in clients is that we expect the best from ourselves, but rarely give ourselves the best. There is some kind of paradox that says we should be superwoman …yet we don’t deserve to be given the very…

  • Why is Rest a Dirty Word?

    Tell me something: Why is it that we find it desirable to work so hard that we have no time for our family and friends? Why is it that we are impressed by people who are terribly busy? Why is it that our working lives are dominated by stress and tension and no one sees…