Tag: winter

  • Embracing the concept of hygge

    Embracing the concept of hygge

    Here in the UK, it has turned decidedly autumnal. Well, actually it’s been decidedly autumnal for a few weeks. But now I have less hope that summer will reassert itself, so I’m preparing for the inevitable coming of winter. I have always hated winter – I thought I suffered from SAD, but it’s actually CAD…

  • Eat Sleep Work Repeat

    Eat Sleep Work Repeat

    I’m starting to adjust to the winter routine, which goes kinda like this: get up, morning routine, walk dog (wish I had thermals), work, teatime routine, walk dog (decide to do some online shopping for thermals), get in the house, disappear under blankets and refuse to leave the house again. Repeat. I was talking to…

  • The Energy of The Season

    The Energy of The Season

    One of the themes that has come up in the conversations I’ve had this past week with clients and friends has been that they just can’t seem to get anything done. There is a real sense of lethargy and inertia in the air – not useful in the busy, stressful, party season! I have found…

  • January Daily Practice: Get Outside

    First things first: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! May the year ahead be filled with love, laughter, fun, joy and wonder! I hope you have enjoyed the festive season and you’re now rested and ready for a wonderful New Year! [caption id="attachment_3181" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Photo: acrylicartist on morguefile"][/caption]Our practice for this month is: GET OUTSIDE!…