The Diamond in the Rough

This morning I read this lovely article, and it got me thinking – how many of us are hiding the diamond within us? How many of us aren’t fully owning our magnificence? How many of us are standing on the sidelines, just watching life go by around us, thinking we can’t make a difference?

The truth is that you are a wonderful, brilliant, creative, special human being. And if you can’t see that, you need to find people who can show you who you really are. You are capable of so much more than you think, and it is a criminal waste for you to hide that diamond. There are many ways to uncover and polish that precious diamond, including connecting to your source, coaching, playing to your strengths, reading/watching inspirational material, looking in the mirror and seeing the diamond looking back at you.

The main thing you need is a willingness to mine that diamond. I promise you, it is there just waiting to be found. Please, please mine for it, polish it and start shining – the world needs you.





