The Nominations for Champagne Moment Today are: - Donna Higton - life coach and author
So, on Monday, I struggled with picking a 'Champagne Moment'...not because I had such a magnificent day that there were a plethora of moments to choose from. Au contraire! It was a rainy, Monday-ish kind of day (the first Monday back after a week off, a to-do list that made me want to run back to bed and pull the duvet over my head, and grey, grey, grey. Ugh). Trawling through the day, I thought "sitting down to watch Big Bang Theory...could that REALLY be the Champagne Moment?!?!". Ok, I really do love Big Bang Theory...and it had been a long and rainy and grey, grey, grey day...and I do love tv. However, I wanted a 'better' Champagne Moment, a more ritzy, glitzy moment. But I was drawing a bit of a blank. On the basis that it was a grey, rainy, Monday-esque day. And then I had a little brain wave! I could do some nominations. Ok, this brainwave came from the sarcastic, cynical side of my brain that was very entertained by the idea of really rubbish Champagne Moments. But my sarcastic, cynical brain had come up with a genius idea! Not only did it remind me of the other good moments from Monday (and there were some), it was also a great way to really intensify this practice. Not just looking for ONE Champagne Moment, but finding a few nominations to enjoy before picking 'the one'. This gets you super focused on what's been good in your life today...even if it's grey, rainy and Monday! Why not try it? Today, look for several nominations for your Champagne Moment (even if one of the highlights of your day is sitting down to watch a geeky tv show!) and really focus on what's great in your life and worth celebrating. Love Donna.x