The Process of Life

I have lost count of how often people have said to me “I’m not there yet” – as in “I’m not Queen of the universe yet”, “I’m not a gazillionaire yet”, “I’m not filling my potential yet”. Who is? Everybody has more they want to achieve, more they want to do, and it often doesn’t matter how much they have done and achieved, there is still another mountain to climb.

Everyone’s life is in process. Step by step by step we move towards what we want…and as we get closer, we discover that we want something more, something different, something else. When I started out in business, my ambition was to earn a decent living from one to one coaching. Now that vision has expanded to include an entire “empire” I’m working towards!!

And I have no doubt that in 5 years time, my vision and ambition will have changed again. It’s a process. And by following that process, you discover sometimes that you don’t want what you though you wanted. You discover sometimes that there’s even more ambition once you get a little way along the path. And you discover sometimes that you’re on the right track.

In these days of speed web-browsing, speed food, and speed dating, we don’t want to wait, we want world domination NOW DAMMIT. Unlucky, because it’s a process! And if you ask me, that’s the fun of it – achievements don’t mean so much when there’s no blood, sweat and tears left on the path to them! Lol – you know me better than that – instead of blood, sweat and tears, make it fun, laughter and growth…

If you have not achieved everything you want in this life yet, why not give yourself a little bit of a break? It’s a process, you’re working on it, you’ll get there – I know you will. I believe in you. And if you want some help along the journey, get in touch with me to find out how coaching can help you to get clear about what you want, enjoy the journey more and set out the steps in front of you for you to take.

Enjoy the process!


PS Did this post ‘speak’ to you – leave a comment and let me know what you’re thinking


