Podcast: Time and Your Big Dream - Donna Higton - life coach and author
The most important choice you make is what you choose to make important. What are you making more important than your Big Dream? TV? Surfing the internet? Reading trashy magazines? Are these things more important than your Big Dream? You may also find that you need less time than you think… just 10 minutes every day can find you making huge progress on your Big Dream. To listen to this week’s podcast, click here: Time And Your Big Dream Homework: Look at how you can make some time in your busy life to work on your Big Dream every day. Cut out a bit of tv time, stop surfing the internet, cut out non essential time wasters. Take the time for your Big Dream…just a little bit of time…every day. You can also subscribe to this podcast on itunes here. May all your dreams become reality. Love Donna.x