Wallowing in Happiness - Donna Higton - life coach and author
One of the things that 'happy people' have in common is that they wallow in happiness. They look forward to things (not just big things), they enjoy the memories of things (not just big things), they are grateful for good times they've had, they appreciate good things as they happen and make a big deal of them. 'Unhappy people' on the other hand tend to dwell on how much life sucks, wallow in the bad things that happen, and pretty much ignore the good stuff. I know this because I used to be unhappy. And now I'm generally happy. And one of the big things that has changed is my focus. Instead of wallowing in and dwelling on the 'bad' stuff that happens on a day to day basis, I wallow in and dwell on 'good' stuff and I make a point of noticing that I am enjoying whatever it is that I am enjoying. Not all the time, I'm not perfect...but when I have a bit of a visit to negative town, I can get out pretty quickly because my habit is to focus on, pay attention to and be grateful for 'good stuff'. And we all have 'bad' stuff and 'good' stuff happening every day. Not just the big stuff that only happens once a year/lifetime like birthdays, christmas, promotions, marriages, holidays. But little things, like the sun shining, clean washing, a tidy desk, a laugh with a friend, a stranger smiling at you, someone letting you out in traffic. That's why, over at my facebook page, I have started to focus even more on 'the good stuff' every week. Every Monday I ask "What was the best part of your weekend? And what are you looking forward to this week?" and share my thoughts. Every Wednesday I tell you one of my favourite things, and ask what one of your favourite things is. And every Friday I ask "What was the best part of your week? And what are you looking forward to this weekend?" So everybody who 'likes' this page will be reminded to focus on what's good in life. It's a small thing, but it is SO powerful. So why don't you come and join me over at And wallow in the small happinesses in life. Love Donna.x